Top 10 Essential Tools for Every Homeowner: A Guide from R&S Supply Company


When you’re a homeowner, there’s no shortage of things to do around your home. You might be remodeling or just maintaining existing structures, but either way you’ll need some tools to get the job done right. For example, if you want to add an extension cord or expand your garden hose, you’ll need the right tools for the job.

At R&S Supply Company in Napa, CA it’s easy to find everything on your list and more! We’ve put together top 10 essential items for homeowners so that when you go shopping for anything from shovels and flashlights to drills and caulking guns it will be even easier for you:

1. Shovel

The shovel, or spade, is a simple but essential tool for any homeowner. A shovel can be used for numerous tasks around your home:

  • Clearing snow and ice from walkways and driveways
  • Digging holes for planting trees and shrubs, building raised beds and more
  • Moving dirt when landscaping your property or working on projects like installing a fence or building steps into your backyard

2. Extension Cords

  • Use the right size cord. This one is a no brainer, but it’s important to remember that you should use the shortest extension cord possible for each job. If you’re working with tools that require more power than an extension cord can handle, then it’s time to upgrade your tool or hire someone else who has a stronger one.
  • Make sure the cord is rated for the job. While most people know not to overload their extension cords by plugging too many things into them at once (like using one 15-amp outlet with three devices), there are other ways that people accidentally overwork their cords: running them under rugs or furniture; stretching them across doorways; leaving them plugged in when they’re not being used; etcetera ad nauseum (or until I get sick of writing this sentence). All these things put strain on an electrical device and decrease its lifespan–which means they cost more money down the line due to replacement costs rather than just buying something new now!

3. Work Gloves

Gloves are a great way to protect your hands from cuts and scrapes. Some gloves are made of leather, others are cloth, and still others are rubber. Whatever material you choose for your work gloves should be durable and comfortable enough to last through many years of use. It is also important that they fit snugly so that they don’t come off while you’re working on a project or holding something heavy.

When choosing the right pair of work gloves for yourself or someone else in your household who will be using them frequently around the house (or outside), keep these points in mind:

Durability – Will these gloves stand up against repeated use over time? If not, they won’t get much use at all! Look for ones made from thick materials like leather or cloth instead of thin materials like rubber or plastic which tend break down more easily under pressure over time; this includes both regular wear-and-tear as well as accidental damage caused by dropping heavy objects onto them accidentally during projects around home improvement projects such as painting walls inside rooms throughout house remodel jobs where lots tools/materials need transporting back downstairs after finishing upstairs room painting job before moving onto next room’s painting project downstairs level where there’ll already been set up beforehand because previous day’s work went smoothly without any problems whatsoever thanks again guys!”

4. Flashlights & Flood Lights

A flashlight is a handheld portable electric lamp. It uses incandescent light bulbs or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). They’re often used for outdoor activities like camping, hiking and walking the dog at night.

Flood lights are large outdoor lights that illuminate an area with bright light. Floodlights are typically mounted on structures such as walls or roofs to provide directional illumination over a wide area. The type of bulb used in floodlights varies depending on what you want them for: incandescent bulbs produce more heat than LED ones but they also last longer; halogen bulbs produce more light than either incandescent or LED versions but they have shorter lifespans

5. Hose and Sprinkler Repair Kit

A hose repair kit is a must-have tool for every home. The kit includes a variety of tools for repairing hoses, including connectors, couplers and clamps. It also includes different types of hoses in various lengths so you can easily replace your damaged ones with new ones.

6. 16-Gauge Brad Nailer

A brad nailer is a tool that can be used to drive small nails into woods, plastics and other materials. The 16-gauge brad nailer is designed for light-duty projects such as trimming or hanging drywall.

The main difference between the 16-gauge brad nailer and other types of nailers is its size: it’s smaller than most other types of pneumatic tools because it only drives 1/2″ to 5/8″ long fasteners (brads). This makes the tool ideal for lightweight jobs where you don’t need a lot of power behind each stroke–if your project requires more force than what this little guy can give you then upgrading may be necessary!

7. Compound Miter Saw with Stand and Blade System (Compound Miter Saw)

A compound miter saw is a power tool that allows you to make crosscuts, miter cuts and beveled miters. It’s also known as a chop saw or sabre saw.

The benefits of owning this tool are obvious: it makes jobs much easier for homeowners who need to cut wood for projects around the house. A compound miter saw can cut angles up to 50 degrees left or right of 90-degree straight cuts in both hardwoods and softwoods without worrying about burning or splintering the wood boards being worked on (in comparison to standard circular saws).

Compound mitors have several advantages over regular miter saws: they’re more accurate; they have greater capacity; they’re faster; they offer more safety features like kickback prevention technology

8. Cordless Drill/Driver Set with Accessory Kit (Cordless Drill/Driver Set)

A cordless drill/driver set is a must-have tool for every homeowner. This tool can be used to drill holes and drive screws, which makes it extremely versatile. You can use this tool to install cabinets, hang pictures or curtains, build bookcases and shelves, build decks or fences–you name it! It comes with multiple attachments that allow you to do just about anything with the power of your own hands rather than relying on an electric outlet. The cordless nature of this set also allows for greater mobility than other power tools would allow; you’ll never be limited by how far away from an outlet you need to be!

The best part about this particular cordless drill/driver kit (and most others) is its lightweight construction: only 3 pounds total weight means that even older individuals will find no difficulty using these tools for long periods at any given time.*  *In addition there are several different colors available so homeowners can choose between neutral colors like black or white if desired but also bright hues such as red or blue if desired too

9. Caulk Gun (Caulk Gun)

A caulk gun is an essential tool for any homeowner. It can be used to seal joints in between tiles, walls and countertops. You will need a good quality caulking material that can withstand extreme temperatures.

The best type of caulk gun depends on what type of project you are working on, but generally speaking there are two main styles: hand-held or pistol grip models with an adjustable nozzle tip (or “gun”). The most common size for these types of guns is 1/2″. A smaller option is also available which has a 1/4″ opening at its widest point; however this size may not work well with certain materials such as silicone because they tend to be more liquid than other types like acrylic sealants which would require more pressure when applying them through the nozzle opening into cracks or crevices before smoothing out any excess with your finger tips so make sure whichever style fits best within reach when using it often enough throughout each day while working around different surfaces inside your home!

10. Level (Level) Takeaway

Level (Level)
  • R&S Supply Company has been serving the Bay Area since 1932, and our friendly staff will help you find the right tool or equipment for any job.
  • We have a large selection of tools, supplies and equipment for all your home improvement projects.


R&S Supply Company is the place to go if you’re looking for all of these tools and more. We have everything from shovels and extension cords to work gloves and flashlights, so that you can be prepared for any situation that comes your way. If you want to learn more about what we offer or need help finding something specific, contact us today!


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